One Resource for the Humanity

We are a student council that works peacefully to safeguard the planet and the global ecosystem. Develop innovative educational and technological strategies to achieve the goal of global sustainability.


The manifestation of galloping and granitic functional ignorance manifests itself in 99% of cases, claiming to know branches or knowledges, of which one does not have the slightest academic knowledge. The current sarsCovid pandemic is a masterful example of this, where the average Italian, that is, the one who would give his family in exchange for football, squirms by asserting concepts or theses read on social media or heard on TV. Of the same level then there are elements who do NOT have specific training in this regard but who, behind the courses of a weekend with a culinary style, stiffly pose as the holders of knowledge in the health, emergency, virological and epidemiological fields. Honestly, in short, they deserve the Nobel, but for a branch not yet recognized in Stockholm.
Some functional Ignorants are of the same workmanship who, not being able to have scientific height with the production of innovations or discoveries in the field in which they operate, try to give an appearance of majesty by proposing paths unknown to them.
Just like the footballers, the medical virologist experts from bars and social networks, these figures represent and dispense ... "nothingness". They create paths that they themselves do NOT have experiences on.
However, while the former do damage for free, the latter do damage ... by being paid ... some by the state itself.
Obviously, the patronage system does not set stakes, it does not ask: "but you, to set up this educational path or project, what training and experiences do you have in this regard?".
Here, then, is how one goes to divert unsuspecting confident beings, who participate in such pseudo-initiatives unaware that behind banner titles and imaginative promises there is really something constructive hidden.

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